
Standard (Novatt Subtype)

Standard Novatts are the most common and seen of the species. Based on early records and some fossils, they've been speculated to have decended directly from the earliest 'first novatts', which were armored and prehistoric appearing. Noname is the only documented evidence of this claim. The prehistoric first novatts have died off as far as most know, living shorter lives, it was speculated. They are the biggest population on Nav-0X, pretty much normal citizens with normal jobs, but have peppered themselves around on the other moons as well.

Stardust (Novatt Subtype)

Stardust Novatts are a loving and mostly peaceful subspecies with a soft appearance, lazing around and well desired for their appearance both among the public and suitors. They typically reside on the White Moon, which is ruled by Apollo, but there's plenty that roam on the main planet. Legend has it that most modern novatts are decended from those who received Apollo's blessings, before the forgotten first civil war, but who knows? Apollo neither confirms nor denies these legends. Faithful to Apollo, those who live and serve in his fortresses in the "Garden of Eden" keep him company, and keep his secrets. Due to their close exposure to their star, S'tan, their fur tends to mostly lean on the lighter colorations. Once they begin to travel off the White Moon, their colorations tend to come out more.

Black Matter (Novatt Subtype)

Black Matter Novatts are...quite the opposite of their Stardust counterpart. They crave violence and thrills and are a territorial/solitary sub-species...they aren't commonly seen on the main planet and are seen as 'intimidating' to the common man. Being resentful, some do hold a post-civil war grudge, after all...most Black Matter Novatts are long-lived, and a good number who fought in that civil saw friends and family die in it. They reside on the Black Moon, and are fiercely loyal, ride or die for their ancient Noir. The 'Dark Side' of the Black Moon is known for being home to Noir's castle, but is known to also be home to most of the veterans who fought alongside them...them insisting on being in close proximity to protect her home, the entirety of the company are jokingly called 'Noir's Harem'.

Pulsar (Novatt Subtype)

Pulsar Novatts are predominantly ocean bound creatures, but can breathe on land just fine. Coming into the civil war later, thinking the land species were "distasteful" for how quick they were to engage in such activities, they left Nav-0X's oceans after the final formation of Laileb-X in the skies. Now, they have their own underwater utopias with their own certain set of skills and traditions, shared with the industrious Alkoline as well. Overall, they are gentle and intelligent--but arrogant and exclusive. Deep sea Pulsar's though, tend to be larger and more violent than the normal mer-vatts. A common past time is shouting obscenities at land walkers from the sea.

Ballistic (Ev.0 Subtype)

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